Explore Jobs with CHOSEN in Florence, Kentucky

CHOSEN Commercial Contract, Inc. is always straining every perceptive faculty to know and instantly obey God’s Holy Will.  This truth is perhaps nowhere keener than regarding those whom He sends to serve with us.

With Christ as our Perfect Model:

Mark 10:42-45 governs our approach to unity of purpose and performance of functions here. The vocational “boss” here is the project! We ask, “What is in the very best interests of this project, this client?” Whatever position you may have prayerfully determined that He has called you to here, our sole objective remains spoken in Matthew 22:37-40.  Individual Accountability and The Unity of The Church drive us to interdenominational excellence in the professional arenas within which God has sent us forth for His glory and our good!

At times, His plan sends our way those who have little or no faith, so do not feel disqualified except for lawful reasons.  (Only know for CERTAIN that His NAME Is Holy and ABSOLUTELY inviolable here!!! i.e. for those who occasionally and/or accidentally use foul language, abuse of His NAME is OFF LIMITS!!!)

Apply Today

Applicants need only email us with their name, age, address, experience, wage expectations, contact info. and position desired to: CHOSEN@CHOSENcontract.com.

If appropriate, indicate your willingness for travel and include a summary of your MVR (moving/driving violations record) offenses in the last three years [note: not all positions require a good MVR].

Resumes/Applications may also be mailed to P.O. Box 991 Florence, KY 41022 and/or faxed to 1+ (859) 746-0079.

Background checks and employment drug testing are inevitable; as well as random testing for every employee just for our insurance & safety programs which help ensure the confidence of our newer clients.  Your application is always welcome and will be responded to confirming receipt only, unless we have determined that an interview is in order.

Our needs are continually changing but all skills may apply, including: Industrial Laborers, Apprentices, Glaziers, Superintendents, Independent Contractors, Estimators, I.T., Secretaries, Office Assistants & Managers, AP/AR, as well as other areas.

Thank you for considering CHOSEN and may our Risen Savior Jesus/God-Incarnate Bless you In Him!!!

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If you’re interested in our commercial contractor jobs, send your inquiry or application to CHOSEN@CHOSENcontract.com