Explore CHOSEN'S Wide Range of Christian Educational Content

With a range of Christian educational content available for all, CHOSEN Commercial Contract is helping to spread the gospel.  This page supports CHOSEN Christian Community’s collection of educational material, feel free to contact our team if you have any questions about the content or our work.

Phenomena 2030: An Interpolation

CHOSEN Commercial Contract is passionate about providing our clients and fellow visitors with educational material and content, including our own publication “Phenomena 2030; an Interpolation.”  The first chapter offered will be “Page 1; Thus saith The Lord.”  The book will be part of a “NOT for the unRedeemed” series.

Your support of this work will help us to expand the offered resources, relevant to these last days of pre-rapture, pre-trib., and pre-millennial history. 

Keep an eye on this page for more updates and content soon to come!

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For more Christian educational content, send us an email on CHOSEN@CHOSENcontract.com